Language Resources
Help us grow our Resources!
  • Seto Facilities and Services
  • This is part of the regular kindergarten network financed by local municipalities

  • Seto Associations
  • Seto children's school in Tallinn. Once a week after-school activity to teach Seto culture

  • Seto Facilities and Services
  • A private initiative, once a week after-school activities for Seto Children in Tallinn to teach Seto culture

  • Seto Associations
  • Leelo choir in Tallinn

  • Seto Associations
  • Leelo choir in Tallinn

  • Seto Events
  • Seto song festival that takes place once in three years in Värska

  • Seto Media Social Media
  • Pictures of Setomaa and Petseri with some explanatory texts in Seto

  • Seto Media Websites
  • General website of Setomaa tourist information, community activities and local municipality

  • Seto Media Auditory Media
  • Short interviews in Seto language

  • Aromanian Media Social Media
  • Social media channels of Siotas Stergios who provides Aromanian language and culture classes

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