Language Resources
Help us grow our Resources!
  • Cornish Media Websites
  • A state-of-the-art archive that is home to the world’s largest collection of documents, books, maps and photographs related to Cornwall’s history

  • Cornish Facilities and Services
  • A state-of-the-art archive that is home to the world’s largest collection of documents, books, maps and photographs related to Cornwall’s history

  • Cornish Events
  • The Cornish Archive Centre hosts exhibitions, talks, and workshops regularly, many exploring themes related to Cornish language history and contemporary use

  • Burgenland Croatian Facilities and Services
  • Library of the KUGA

  • Seto Associations
  • Leelo choir in Värska

  • Burgenland Croatian Associations
  • Culture initiative of Stinatz/Stinjaki

  • Burgenland Croatian Associations
  • Cultural association; cultural centre, venue for adult education and activities for children and teenagers

  • Burgenland Croatian Competitions and Awards
  • Culture award of the Burgenland Croats, awarded since 1991

  • Seto Associations
  • A story telling club for those interested in Seto language and culture in Tallinn

  • Seto Media Social Media
  • Club for people interested in Seto culture and language in Tallinn. They come together once a week and tell stories in Seto language

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