Language Resources
Help us grow our Resources!
  • Seto Associations
  • Leelo choir in Põlva town

  • Cornish Media Audiovisual Media
  • A mobile virtual learning for Indigenous Languages - Kernewek (Cornish)

  • Aranese Media Social Media
  • An Instagram account with Aranese content

  • Aromanian Media Social Media
  • Facebook page of INTEGRA NAU

  • Aromanian Associations
  • Association for Rights and Humanity

  • Burgenland Croatian Further Resources
  • Blog with Burgenland Croatian content (mostly about music and poetry)

  • Cornish Further Resources
  • A daily blog

  • Burgenland Croatian Facilities and Services
  • Educational project for children to learn and use (Burgenland) Croatian

  • Burgenland Croatian Further Resources
  • Page on the website of the ZIGH (in German "Fehlerquellenpool") with explanations of potential mistakes

  • Burgenland Croatian Events
  • Event over multiple days where young people from different countries meet to learn and practice (Burgenland) Croatian

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