News(Page 2)

Introduction Germany is known for its linguistic diversity, featuring a rich tapestry of dialects and minority languages. As the digital age evolves, new methods like gamification are emerging as innovative ways to preserve and promote this diversity. This article explores how gamification is shaping the German linguistic landscape. What is Gamification? Gamification involves using elements […]

Spain is home to several languages other than Spanish – the official language – , such as Catalan, Aranese, Galician and Basque (Euskera). These languages have been preserved in their respective regions, thanks to the so-called autonomous governments. However, not all the languages have been granted the same protection rights. Castilian Castilian (Castellano) is a […]

As part of the dissemination & communication activities of RISE UP, the project received support from the European Commission’s Horizon Results Booster. Within this initiative, RISE UP partnered up with CREWS (Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems) to exchange knowledge and produce common dissemination materials. This included the creation of a short video […]

The first RISE UP Newsletter – June 2023 – has just been sent out to all subscribers! RISE UP Newsletters will be sent out regularly to inform interested stakeholders about the project’s progress, upcoming events, and opportunities for participation. If you want to make sure you don’t miss the next issue, you can subscribe here. […]

The Council of Estonia’s Indigenous Languages is a cooperation and advocacy group including representatives from Seto, Võro, Mulgi, Kihnu, Kodavere, Kuusalu, and Sõrve language communities. Although the contexts of these languages are diverse, their activists are united by the common goal of revitalizing traditional communicative practices. On April 15, 2023, the Council and other interested […]